Bloodborne / Lady Maria of the Astral Clocktower, Tapestry



Price US$39.99 


Continuing our new line of fine art tapestries we are proud to present “Lady Maria of the Astral Clocktower” from the mega hit RPG Bloodborne – The Old Hunters.
The splendid artwork is perfectly recreated on the highest quality fabric available. The material is thick double-suede polyester, which captures the color brilliantly. No doubt it will be a perfect addition to the living spaces of Bloodborne collectors.

●Price: US$39.99 ●Tapestry (Wall Scroll) ●Material (Fabric: Double Suede Polyester, Rod: PVC, String: Nylon) 
●Size: B2 (728 mm x 515 mm) ●Release: July 2016  

ⓒ2016 Sony Interactive Entertainment Inc.
ⓒ2012-2023 Gecco Corp.