Alien: Covenant / Trilobite Tapestry



Price US$39.99 


Trilobite, Xenomorph and Engineer are mixing chaotically.
The dreadful and beautiful art representing the world of "Alien: Covenant" is recreated as a fine art tapestry. The splendid  artwork is beautifully printed on the highest quality fabric available.
The material is thick double-suede polyester, and captures the color brilliantly.

●Price: US$39.99 ●Tapestry (Wall Scroll) ●Material (Fabric: Double Suede Polyester, Rod: PVC, String: Nylon) 
●Size: B2 (728mm x 515mm) ●Release: July in 2018 

【Related Items】 Covenant / Xenomorph Tapestry
TM & Ⓒ 2018 FOX
ⓒ2012-2023 Gecco Corp.