Robbie The Rabbit Blue Ver.  Silent hill 3   

Blue version of "Robbie the Rabbit" is produced exclusively for Mamegyorai.
He appears as a character, "Killer Rabbit," printed on the secret costume in the game. In the motion picture "Usagi" directed by Tanaka Usagi (included in DVD "Lost Memories"), a number of blue rabbits appear.
The yellow chainsaw will make horror fans grin, and the words "Your Fingerpost" are written across the blade.
Limited in quantity to 1,000 pieces and sold only in Japan.

●Price: US$128.00 ●Prepainted statue ●Material: ABS/PVC/Soft Vinyl ●Size: 340mm high (1/6 scale)
●Release: February 2014 ●Sculpt: Shinya Akao/HEADLONG ●Paint: Norifumi Dohi/FRANKEN ●Package art: Usagi Tanaka

ⓒKonami Digital Entertainment
ⓒ2012-2023 Gecco Corp.